Next Draw: Mar 17, 2025
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How to Play Catch the Ace

Buy your tickets weekly, until the Ace of Spades is caught.

Pick the envelope where you think the Ace is hiding.

If your ticket is drawn, you win the Weekly Prize - 20% of that week's ticket sales!

If your envelope has the Ace, you win the Progressive Jackpot - 30% of all ticket sales!

Feel good knowing that 50% of all ticket sales support Our Hearts at Home.
Kirk Nelson from Fort Frances wins our first weekly draw for $10,569!
“I’ve been supporting the Thunder Bay 50/50 for months now, and I wanted to give this new lottery a try too!” said Kirk. “Access to healthcare is so incredibly important in our region; I’m happy to do my part!”
Kirk had lucky ticket number #548189094 and his envelope contained the four of diamonds!

Let's heal Our Hearts at Home!
The Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Foundation’s Our Hearts at Home Campaign has been the driving fundraising force behind the effort to bring Cardiovascular Surgery to Northwestern Ontario. However, our work isn’t finished yet.
100% of Proceeds Support the Our Hearts at Home Campaign!
Every ticket helps fund the construction of a Cardiovascular Surgery Program at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, so patients don't have to travel to receive care.